In the participatory performative exercise ( 90 min) Describe, by listing… the participants are led back into the basis of their perception.
In a meditative state, they explore the objects and actors that they sense and dive into a world, where inner and outer perceptions dissolve into one another. This trance-like state is accessed through concentrated, rational thinking. The participants are performing a scientific ritual.
The participants dive into their surrounding by trying to describe it. They are given questions by the Performer wich they contemplate in loud spoken soliloquies.
While they describe their Umwelt, the participants record themselves on their mobile phone. In this focusing and preserving their thoughts.
The following video is an edit (11 min) of the participants recorded voice memos.
The documentation video does not represent the actual performance, nor the experiences that arose during the exercise. The actual experience can not be documented and should not have to be captured. The video stands on its own and can give only a glimpse into the performance and the experiences of the participants.