Ein Raum der Tarnung

A high-rise box in Rio de Janeiro. Outside, the workers in the blazing sun. At night, the mountains breathing in through the open window. And inside: German shadows in the curtains of an old woman. But the white tower blocks are not only inhabited by people. Non-human organisms – plants, algae, insects – are also at home there. We follow them into the interior of the buildings as they explore, decompose and change it.

From Brazil, a literary „you“ reflects on home and foreignness. About how buildings serve to protect us from the elements and what gives us a sense of security. What this says about our relationship with our environment. And which colonial processes are the basis for this.
Spaces are not static and „being at home“ is not simply a feeling. It is a constant process, characterised by historical and cultural developments, influenced by various actors. „Homes“ are alive; they grow and decay like any organism.

Listeners are taken on a journey deep into the space in between: Between people and non-people, between inside and outside, between past and present, reality and dream. In a flux, „Raum der Tarnung“ moves through memories, interview snippets and organic poetry passages. Text and electronic composition form a tight, constantly changing network.

The audio-play was produced for the award-winning programme of the hr2 literature prize and premiered there. Since then, it has also been shown at the event series Solleti – Listening Intervention in Public Space.

Text – Miriam de Hohenstein

Sound – Cosmo Schüppel

Spoken by – Mia Kováč, Cosmo Schüppel

Interview – Miriam de Hohenstein, Anonymous Construction Worker