Cosmo Schueppel (he/him) is a German installation, sound and performance artist currently studying at Bauhaus University, Weimar.
In his artistic research, he works at the intersections between human and non-human perspectives in performative settings. With a focus on sound, he searches for the intersections of multi special perception and addresses them in reactive installations, participatory performances and scored perception exercises.

In the center of Schüppel’s artistic process lies the analysis of the human senses and how they relate to sense-making and imagination. The act of Deep Perceiving is used in participatory settings to dive into conditioned mechanism of the participants minds. In Deep Perceiving, participants can observe how their own sense- making processes are stimulated and how logical thinking influences (un)conscious sensing.

Working with the deeply subjective sense-making processes, is Schüppel’s way of accessing the preconditioned minds of himself and the participants, as well as the collective traumas of our society. Through these access point, his works deal with topics like environmental grief, multi-species (miss)communication and lost futures.

exhibitions / performances /workshops


Ein Raum der Tarnung at Snippet Live Feature Festival, Basel Switzerland

ATTENTION, ORGANISATION ACTION Workshop at Klima Klang Transformation Conference, University Potsdam

ATTENTION, ORGANISATION ACTION Workshop at Verschwinden: Was Bleibt?! Exhibition, Stockwerk Project Space Weimar

shifting realities at Garage Grande, Vienna

ATTENTION, ORGANISATION ACTION Workshop at shifting realities at Garage Grande, Vienna

ending places – Radio Listening Walk, Vienna Ottakring

I am spreading ash from the 2021 wild fires in Evia Greece – Performance at Ars Electronica, Linz


Non-Mashines: Playground of Perspectives – group exhibition and conference, Bauhaus Library Weimar (July)

Pflanzenblindheit – group exhibition Stockwerk Weimar (July)

Ars Electronica (Campus) – Non-Mashines: Playground of Perspectives – group exhibition – Linz (September)

PostCompost – group exhibition EOW-Weimar (July)

Of Webs, Patterns and Other Beings – group exhibition – Wägetechnik Weimar (November)


kiting – performance for opening hours group exhibition Berlin (March)

Radio Rituals – performance at Aggregat-Transexposition-Trier (April)

common ground – exhibition – >top Berlin (June)

More than a Word – Less than a Thing – group exhibition Weimar (October)

curation / organisation


Non-Mashines: Playground of Perspectives – conference – curation + organization (July)

Ars Electronica (Campus) – Non-Mashines: Playground of Perspectives – group exhibition – Linz (September)

Of Webs, Patterns and Other Beings – group exhibition – Wägetechnik Weimar (November)



Ars Electronica – Festival University (Summer School)

2021 – ongoing

B.F.A Media Art – Bauhaus University Weimar

2020 – 2021

B.A Cultural Science – Humboldt University Berlin